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No New Posts Glass Corridor

A stunning phenomenon caused by a misfired spell during the Battle of Hogwarts, this corridor is, as it says in the title, made entirely of glass. Everything in it, even the doors and windows, are clear crystal. It's not breakable, or fixable, as far as anyone knows, but it is a great spectacle to behold.

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No New Posts Memorial Hall

The Memorial Hall is a huge room that was built specifically to hold itens from the war, and other important objects that are a part of the school's history. The walls are lined with plaques containing names of those who lost their lives all those years ago, and other tributes that the students have bestowed upon the spacial room.

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No New Posts Training Areas

Ever since the war, a few key changes were made at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. One of them was that students must learn to defend themselves in ways that aren't magical. When it comes down to physical things, a lot of them are helpless. And so Self Defence lessons were brought into the school. These training rooms are equipped with a lot of regular gym stuff, and all kinds of lessons, such as martial arts, boxing and other forms of defense are taught here. These lessons are compulsory, unless a student is injured or physically disabled and literally cannot participate.

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No New Posts Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom

Enter at your own risk. This bathroom was flooded many years ago and never fixed as, really, nobody wants to listen to Myrtle's whinging for five hours every time they nip to the loo, do they?

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No New Posts Empty Corridor

It's a corridor. It's empty. It's an empty corridor! =O Wow. Who'd have thought! But, anyway, not many people come around these parts of the castle, so you never know what you might find if you have a nose about through the cobwebs.

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Second Floor

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newBookmarkLockedFalling STUDENT GUIDE [must read!]
QUINN 0 556 by QUINN
May 25, 2011 22:07:21 GMT


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Second Floor
The second floor of the castle never used to get used much, but was damaged greatly in the great Battle of Hogwarts, and rebuilt years later. It's rooms have been turned into training areas, where students learn self defence, which is now considered an important part of the curriculum after past events. There is a large hall on this floor that is very special to students and staff alike, as it holds artifacts and information about the war. Sort of a shrine, a place of respect for those who lost their lives protecting the castle.

(On a more shallow note, Moaning Myrtle's bathroom can be found here. I'd seriously advise you to hold it in until you can get to another floor...)
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